Irrespective of communities, companies, organizations, or whatever entity you run, managing is the most head-scratching job one goes through. Now managing this vast arena that includes, inward sourced elements, groups, human resources, finances, properties, assets, liabilities, expenses, debts, investments & whatnot. But out of this, managing the finance is a hard nut to crack. And when lit is about managing the finances for a fraternity, then words are a few to describe the responsibilities involved
But enough words, if you are thinking, I know this is difficult, tell me the solution. Yes, you are in the right place. We have done ground-level activities & research to bring out the best features that you should look for in a fraternity management tool.
Essential & necessary features of a sorority management software
- A customer resource management software with scope for a detailed database of all the members included in the fraternity
- Sorority management company should have options for collection & recording of the membership fees, generating receipts for the fees received. Nowadays most of the available tools for providingthe option for the remainder of dues to the defaulter member
- A financial suit that helps in analyzing the inward gains & expenditures
- The suit should help with talent spottingand scouting for eligible members alongside the recruitment of the new members in the fraternity.
- The management software should provide end to end subscription for the audio & video meetings held online for fraternities that involve members over a wide demographics
- The fraternity management tool should have the provisions for helping in cost-benefit analysis
- Sorority management software should help in the tax audits & filling of IRS FORM 990
- The management software should have a mailbox along with the team’s feature for intracommunity chatting, and sharing messages with end-to-end encryption.
- The end of the data for each the fraternity should be stored in specific & exclusive data servers to prevent data theft & maintain the privacy as well as the secrecy of the fraternity & their members
- The portal should have the features to run a campaign for crowdfunding, and fundraising across the globe alongside promoting the vision of the fraternity but without revealing the secrecy & privacy of the fraternity.
These are the major points & benefits that would ease the day-to-day operations of any fraternity while keeping its books of accounts clear & crisp. If you think other features would be necessary while managing the fraternity, please comment below at the end of the post.