March 26, 2025

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What is Parental Control?

Parental Control

Parental control is a solution for securing your children’s Internet browsing and access to certain types of content.

Most Internet or TV providers offer it. It is also possible to install it on your child’s mobile phone.

Parental monitoring of what their children do on the Internet remains essential. Parental control applications or software help you in this process but do not replace media education provided by parents.

Some numbers

Web users are increasingly precocious: 89% of 7-12 year olds and 68% of 3-6 year olds go online every week;
75% of parents say they have installed parental controls but 44% admit that they do not really check which sites their child visits.

Why use parental control software?

It’s a bit like when your children learn to swim, they don’t jump into the water on their own the first time. There are a few safety rules to follow: you have to learn them first to be independent afterwards. Browsing the Internet is a bit the same…

How it works ?

You install parental control software on the family computer (or that of the child), protected by a password, which will run permanently, from the start, on the machine.

It is important to set the parental control software correctly according to your child’s age and your educational choices .possibility of setting time limits;
ability to block access to sensitive web sites;
ability to limit access to games or other software;
ability to prevent the input of personal information;
possibility to consult the history of the sites visited.prohibition to access Internet pages containing keywords (established in a list);
blacklist of prohibited sites with violent and shocking content for a child;
white list of authorized sites (all sites that are not in the white list will be blocked by the software).

For example…

If you want to set up a high level of security: do not give access to chats, blogs and social networks;
If you want to set up a moderate level of security: give access to the entire Web except for dating sites, violent sites, sites prohibited for minors.

A few tips

Try to arrange to be present at home when your children are using the internet.
Until a certain age, place the computer in a common room and not in the child’s room.
Show your children that you trust them.

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